Photo: AP

The worst thing you can do is to PANIC. So if you are the sort of person prone to PANIC, do NOT read the following facts.

“BREXIT” IS A REALITY—AND IT WAS A SURPRISE... the betting money was on a “Remain” vote. That makes the reaction of financial markets more severe.

BRITISH POUND PLUNGES... a shocking 11% drop in a single day, to its lowest level against the dollar in 30 years.

EURO PLUNGES... down more than 3%, coming close to parity with the dollar. (Cheap travel!). Doomsayers are already predicting the end of the Euro.

U.S. STOCK FUTURES DOWN MORE THAN 500 POINTS... with markets set to open soon, futures show a 500+ point plunge looming for the Dow, and an even more severe 3%+ drop for the S&P. Of course, sometimes these things promptly correct themselves during the day. Other times, they just get worse. Today could be either a very good or a very bad day to buy stocks.

A “NIGHTMARE” FOR THE BULLS IN THE STOCK MARKET... is what one dramatic headline says.

GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS STAGGERED... Japan’s stock index fell by 7%, and European markets fell by even more at the opening bell.


GOLD PRICES SOAR... gold prices hit a two year high overnight on a “flight to safety.” Investors always weirdly buy gold when they get worried about things. It’s really weird. What’s that gold gonna do for you? Is this the middle ages? Are you going to trade it for a broadsword and a wench? I’m sorry but it’s strange. It is. This will continue though.

TRUMP PRAISES BREXIT... always a good sign.

WHAT ABOUT CHINA?... could this be the thing that triggers the massive Chinese financial crash that could throw the globe into crisis? I have no idea, honestly...

THE GOOD NEWS... just yesterday, the Fed said that all 33 major banks passed their “stress tests,” indicating they can withstand a recession. Might be useful soon!

WHAT NOW?... today—like every day—can be your last.