Patton Oswalt Makes Career Ending Twitter Typo, Other Comedians Follow

Professional weirdo Patton Oswalt is no stranger to being the best at Twitter. In fact, his Twitter skills are so advanced, that even his Twitter typos are no ordinary Twitter typos — they're career-enders.
After terminating his own employment, Oswalt then invited other Twitter users to follow suit with the shenanigan-friendly hashtag #CareerEndingTwitterTypos.
I could never be a CSI person. All that gross stuff. Faggots, etc. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) November 4, 2013
It wasn't long before his comedian friends and followers started offering up their own submissions and the whole thing became a certifiable trend.
Oswalt's handpicked favorite are collected below. Caution: If you're planning on joining the festivities don't forget to leave room for the hashtag, or else you may actually jeopardize your job.
@pattonoswalt I used to love going in the ocean, but Jews ruined it. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Chris M (@CdotPdotM) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt Just had a weekly boy scout meeting. These boys, such a great grope. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Charles Scott (@badhiggins) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt Just got into a rape battle with a homeless guy in the subway #yolo #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— JoseCarlito (@placesofpeople) November 4, 2013
I just love watching my uncle hug and kiss my cunt. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Jim Norton (@JimNorton) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt Totally gonna punish your aunt tonight. #RelationshipEndingTwitterTypos
— Ryan Bradford (@theryanbradford) November 4, 2013
As far as I'm concerned the iPad is just a nigger version of the iPhone. Waste of money. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos @pattonoswalt
— R.M.T. (@LetsIgnoreRoman) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt It's a real honor to shit on this charity board for cancer research #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Mike Vanbuskirk (@mikevanbus) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt I love having the neighbors and their children over for an evening of sitting on my dick out back. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Jawnuthin (@MythReindeer) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt Happy Fag Day! #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Paul Brown (@Paul_Brown_Bear) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt There's nothing like putting on an old record and witnessing a child's first taste of jizz. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Dave Losso (@davelosso) November 4, 2013
@davelosso @pattonoswalt Some say jizz is an acquired taste. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos
— Matthew Hearp (@blacksburgpath) November 4, 2013
@pattonoswalt Just had an amazing set doing 30 minutes of Patton Oswalt's materiel. #CareerEndingTwitterTypos #flippedit
— Emily Maya Mills (@emilymayamills) November 4, 2013