Paul Ryan Won't Say No to Love, But Will Step Down as RNC Co-Chairman if Trump Asks

Speaker Paul Ryan still hasn’t endorsed world’s most accomplished internet commenter Donald Trump for president, and apparently, Trump could be waiting for a while. Speaking to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Ryan said that, should Trump ask, he would be willing to step down as the Republican National Convention’s co-chair.
Basically, because Ryan has yet to actually offer his support to Trump, he’ll “do whatever he wants with respect to the convention.” Ryan hasn’t completely dismissed the possibility of a future relationship, though (as wistful, lovesick teens often do), telling the Sentinel , “I never said never. I just said (not) at this point. I wish I had more time to get to know him before this happened. We just didn’t.”
This comes after Trump demurred during Meet the Press yesterday over whether Ryan “could” serve as chairman of the convention without actually endorsing Trump. Being not at all quick with his answer, Trump said, “I don’t want to mention now. I’ll see after. I will give you a very solid answer, if that happens, about one minute after that happens. Okay? But there’s no reason to give it right now, but I’ll be very quick with the answer. Let’s see what happens.”
Will Paul Ryan endorse Donald Trump? Will Donald Trump support Paul Ryan? Can someone arrange for another Time photoshoot, regardless?