[There was a video here]

This is how you do it. Earlier today at a press conference regarding Senate Bill 42 and House Bill 177, which would expand Pennsylvania's hate crime law to include attacks based on sexuality and gender identity, the former bill's author, State Senator Jim Ferlo of Pittsburgh, came out as gay. He did it like this:

Hundreds of people know I'm gay. I just never made an official declaration. I never felt I had to wear a billboard on my forehead. But I'm gay. Get over it. I love it. It's a great life.

That's just terrific. A showing of pride, a simple expression of the simultaneous no-big-deal/huge-deal nature of being gay, a message to haters. A star is born.

Also at the conference, human embodiment of the expression " woof," St. Rep. Brian Sims, delivered an impassioned plea for LGBT equal protection, which he punctuated by banging his fist on the podium:

The lawmakers expressed a renewed urgency for the bills' passage following the gang assault on two gay men that occurred in Philadelphia earlier this month.

[H/T Towleroad]