Photo: AP

New York congressman Peter King said on Tuesday that he would kill himself if Ted Cruz wins the Republican nomination for president.

“I hate Ted Cruz, and I think I’ll take cyanide if he ever got the nomination,” King told MSNBC. “Now, having said that, I think you’re going to see Donald Trump scoring a big victory tonight. I have not endorsed Donald Trump. In fact, I actually voted by absentee ballot for John Kasich.”

King, who had endorsed Senator Marco Rubio before he withdrew from the race, is the former chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, a lofty perch from which he harangued Muslim-Americans about radicalization. Also, in the ‘80s, he supported the IRA.

“The likelihood is Donald Trump is going to get the nomination,” King said. “I want Donald Trump to know that if he wants the support of Republicans, he’s gotta get more substance. He’s gotta really learn what he’s talking about and can’t just be talking off the top of his head and making reckless charges.”

Death by cyanide poisoning usually occurs within one hour of oral consumption; lethal doses generally range from 50 to 200 mg—just something to think about.