For those who were unable to attend last weekend's Stonewall Columbus Pride Parade, fret not: Attendee Todd Popp captured its defining moment on camera.

"It was a very lucky moment that captured a perfect response to one man's position!" Popp told Outlook Columbus Magazine about his insta-iconic photo. "If anyone knows who this woman is, please share this with her and THANK her!"

Popp's wish was the Internet's command, and in just minutes, an acquaintance of Juanita McDade tagged her in the photo.

"Classic Juanita!" wrote Dustin Winnon, one of dozens who flooded the publication's Facebook page with words of support.

"Thank you everyone," McDade said in the comments. "I was just doing what came natural."

Popp later commented on his own photo, saying he was taken aback by the positive responses.

"My husband Doug Motz said to me, "'s about the little 'victories' that everyone experiences in the face of adversity each day! That's what you captured. It speaks to a LOT of us!'"

[H/T: Dlisted, photo by Todd Popp]