New Jersey prosecutors abruptly dropped charges against a 30-year-old man facing years in prison after a previously undisclosed dash cam video surfaced depicting the responding police officers breaking several laws.

Marcus Jeter was arrested in 2012 after police responded to a domestic violence call at the home he shared with his girlfriend. No charges were filed and he spoke with police before departing the scene. He was pulled over shortly thereafter.

Police video from the traffic stop show two officers approach the car with a handgun and a shotgun. Jeter was eventually charged with eluding police, resisting arrest and assault. Prosecutors offered him a five-year plea deal.

But they dropped the charges when they saw a second video from another police vehicle that struck Jeter's car. The camera on that vehicle shows the officers break the window of Jeter's car, punch him in the head, and drag him out — all while he had his hands in the air.

One officer punches Jeter repeatedly while yelling, "Stop resisting. Why are you trying to take my fucking gun?"

The two officers were indicted on conspiracy and official misconduct. The officer who struck Jeter was also charged with aggravated assault.

[image via ABC]