Police Release Photo of 'Dangerous' Suspect in Paris Attacks, Ask for Help in Manhunt

The name and face of a man thought to be involved in the brutal attacks on Paris Friday night were released by French officials on Sunday.
Abdeslam Salah, a 26-year-old man born in Brussels, is reportedly the brother of one of the suicide bombers. France’s National Police tweeted the image out, asking people to look out for the man who is “likely to be involved in the attacks.” They also warned people not to interact with him, as he’s likely armed and considered “dangerous.”
[AppelàTémoin] La #PJ recherche 1 individu susceptible d'être impliqué ds les attentats du 13/11/2015 #ParisAttacks pic.twitter.com/Gpr4MY1I53
— Police Nationale (@PNationale) November 15, 2015
The attacks, which occurred at several location across the city, left 129 dead and over 300 injured.