On Thursday, a 73-year-old reserve deputy working undercover as a member of the Tulsa County Sheriff's Office Violent Crimes Task Force shot and killed a suspect resisting arrest, the Tulsa World reports. The reserve deputy believed he had pulled out his Taser and not a gun, police said.

According to the sheriff's office's media release, Bob Bates shot and killed Eric Courtney Harris—who police allege was under the influence of PCP at the time of the shooting—as Harris and another deputy struggled on the ground:

During the rapidly evolving altercation, the reserve deputy had what he believed was his Taser from his tactical carrier and attempted to render aid in subduing the suspect. Initial reports have determined that the reserve deputy was attempting to use less lethal force, believing he was utilizing a Taser, when he inadvertently discharged his service weapon, firing one round which struck Harris.

The death took place within Tulsa city limits, but Tulsa Police Department homicide Sgt. Dave Walker told the World that TPD would not investigate the incident unless asked to by the sheriff. "And they have not asked us to," Walker said.

Bates was reserve deputy of the year in 2011, the Guardian reports.

Image via Shutterstock. Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.