The executive director of the Republican Governor's Association and the executive director of the Democratic Governor's Association announced today that they are getting together to sell their mutual political connections to the highest bidder.

THE POLITICO reports that RGA head Phil Cox and DGA head Colm O'Comartun are now ready to completely abandon any pretense of ideals or, indeed, care for any cause greater than their own bank accounts. They are forming "a bipartisan consulting firm that will help corporate clients navigate state governments," which is the very highest calling of those who have entered the noble field of politics. Their new brothel, 50 States LLC, will be a one-stop shop where corporate interests can get all of their strategic consulting needs met by seasoned political operatives unburdened by any form of mortal soul. No longer will you, the corporate client, need to hire a Democratic firm to pursue your interests with Democrats, and a Republican firm to pursue your interests with Republicans; now, you can hire one firm that believes in absolutely nothing except the almighty dollar, saving you a great deal of hassle.

"We could disagree without being disagreeable," said the aptly named Cox, indicating that despite the fact that the two paid political mercenaries could well be working on opposing presidential campaigns soon, corporate clients should rest assured that they will not allow any substantive issues of import to the general public stand in the way of making money, money, money. These guys will fuck anyone and everyone for the right price, so come on by and take a gander, corporate clients. They think you'll like what you see.

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