Pregnant Woman Killed by Snow Plow in Brooklyn

Tragic news from Brooklyn: This morning, a pregnant woman was killed by a snow plow in Brooklyn's Sunset Park neighborhood.
The woman was struck by a private plow in the parking lot of Fei Long Market, on Eighth Ave., near 63rd street, FDNY officials told the New York Post.
According to the Post, the 36-year-old victim's baby survived the accident but is in critical condition at a nearby hospital.
UPDATE 3:54 pm: From the Post:
Min Lin, 36, was struck shortly before 11 a.m. by the privately owned vehicle that was clearing snow from the parking lot of the Fei Long Market on Eighth Avenue, near 63rd Street, police said.
She was nine months pregnant.
Cops roped off the lot and the Bobcat S250 that hit the woman. The unidentified driver, who was driving in reverse when the accident happened, was spotted in the lot hours later looking despondent
[Image via Shutterstock]