Presented Without Comment: Scarlett Johansson's Controversial Comments

Scarlett Johansson has a bunch of movies coming out (Captain America: The Winter Soldier and sci-fi flick Under the Skin), and so a bunch of publications are profiling her—namely The Guardian and The New Yorker. And so people are asking her about things and she is talking about things. Things like working with Woody Allen and her SodaStream/Oxfam debacle.
Here is what she told The Guardian about the Allen molestation allegations by his daughter, Dylan Farrow, whose Times essay on the subject included the words to Allen's collaborators, "What if it had been your child, Cate Blanchett? Louis CK? Alec Baldwin? What if it had been you, Emma Stone? Or you, Scarlett Johansson? You knew me when I was a little girl, Diane Keaton. Have you forgotten me?":
I think it's irresponsible to take a bunch of actors that will have a Google alert on and to suddenly throw their name into a situation that none of us could possibly knowingly comment on. That just feels irresponsible to me.
Here is what Johansson told The Guardian about the backlash against Allen:
I'm unaware that there's been a backlash. I think he'll continue to know what he knows about the situation, and I'm sure the other people involved have their own experience with it. It's not like this is somebody that's been prosecuted and found guilty of something, and you can then go, "I don't support this lifestyle or whatever." I mean, it's all guesswork.
Here is what Johansson told The Guardian about how these allegations have impacted her relationship with the director, with whom she has worked three times:
I don't know anything about it. It would be ridiculous for me to make any kind of assumption one way or the other.
Here is what Johansson told The New Yorker about working with Allen again:
I don't see why anyone wouldn't.
Here is what Johansson told The Guardian about stepping down from her role at Oxfam to continue her association with SodaStream:
I stand behind that decision. I was aware of that particular factory [in West Bank] before I signed it…it still doesn't seem like a problem. Until someone has a solution to the closing of that factory to leaving all those people destitute, that doesn't seem like the solution to the problem.
Here is what Johansson told The New Yorker about the Oxfam/SodaStream controversy:
I think I was put into a position that was way larger than anything I could possibly—I mean, this is an issue that is much bigger than something I could just be dropped into the middle of.
After all, who really knows anything, anyway?
[Image via Getty]