Principal Fed Up With Twerking Cancels Homecoming Dance, Blames Miley

Teens these days: they're watching this Miley Cyrus person, they're becoming interested in sexual activity, they're ... they're twerking. One high school principal has had enough. Mount Anthony Union High School's fearless leader Sue Maguire canceled this fall's homecoming dance because of this "highly sexualized form of dancing."
In a letter to the editor of the Bennington Banner (MAUHS is located in Bennington, Vermont), Maguire explained why there will be no more dances until these dang teens find a more suitable way to dance:
Over the past couple of years, since Miley Cyrus took the stage "twerking" at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, our students' dancing behavior has crossed the line of what we can condone as appropriate behavior at a school. Twerking is dancing to popular music in a sexually provocative manner involving a low squatting stance and thrusting movements. Students do not face one another or remain with the same person for the length of the song.
If you haven't seen twerking, I would encourage you to research this online.
Students do not face one another or remain with the same person for the length of the song. What's happening to this world? What's more, these teens can't be stopped:
We have been asked why we don't just stop it. Try to picture our cafeteria, with 400 to 500 students in tight clusters of about 80 students. It is very difficult to get into the middle of the clusters to monitor every student who is dancing inappropriately.
The teens have left Maguire no choice. She and Dean of Students David Beriau did promise that dances may be reinstated if students learn some goddamn respect, for chrissakes.