Did you think the torrid relationship between Joyce “Tillie” Mitchell and Richard “Big Dick” Matt was just about sex? Mais non, ma petite cherie. You fail to see the big picture—the picture Matt painted for Tillie. The picture that she in turn apparently presented to her oblivious husband.

According to reports, Matt painted a portrait of Tillie’s children and presented her with the work as a gift. In return, she bought him some gloves. (She is accused of subsequently furnishing the Matt and his accomplice David Sweat with hacksaw blades, chisels, drill bits, a punch, etc.)

L’amour—she is not dead.

Via CNN:

Using a photograph, Matt painted a picture of prison tailor shop instructor Joyce Mitchell’s children, Clinton County District Attorney Andrew Wylie told CNN.

And in April, Wylie said, Mitchell gave the painting to her husband as a wedding anniversary present. In exchange, Mitchell gave Matt a pair of speed bag gloves, similar to boxing gloves.

Now Tillie is behind bars and Matt and his magic sex stick are somewhere in the wind—which I believe is also the basic plot of The Gift of the Magi.

Ah what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to bone convicted murderers in prison.

Image via AP. Contact the author at gabrielle@gawker.com.