Pro tip: Don't joke about child porn, especially when you are on reality TV, or the police might investigate your stupid ass.
Pro tip: Don't joke about child porn, especially when you are on reality TV, or the police might investigate your stupid ass.
Hey, maybe when the show's over he can get a gig writing for Daniel Tosh!
Silver lining!
I'm like the only young person who hates that fucking guy...he just tries so hard to be so"edgy".
Naw, his social anxieties and low self-esteem aren't up to the level of the Toshster.
I don't know how young you are, but I'm youngish (29) and I'm so over him. I think you're right; he tries too hard.
In case anyone was unaware:
Cops have, like, no sense of humor. I mean, they may make some kind of dark comment while standing over a dead body that could be construed as humor but that's just because they are fucked in the head.
Probably because they were the butt of every joke in high school.
I work with cops all the time and some of them have great senses of humour.
And despite all the criticism the cops take, much of it richly deserved, not sure if this is the place. I'd rather the cops err on the side of being overzealous when it comes to investigating people for involvement in child porn rather than not zealous enough. I would have no problem with them snatching up the guy's computer and having a little look through it.
This year's Big Brother consists of some of the foulest that could be found. Spencer is also a budding Hitler apologist and a homophobe. And now he's gone right over into criminal chatter.... Not sure what part of being on camera and miked 24/7 this moron et al failed to understand.
Last night he mentioned his father is a deacon and mentioned the name of his church and I genuinely wanted to write something to him to ask him what the fuck is wrong with his son. Ugh. They're all pretty fucking terrible at this point.
Right, you'd expect people shuttered together like that for months to start to act badly and they have in the past, but this bunch seems right at home acting like they're right at home. Two fired so far, Spencer is in a union so not fired yet if he even gets fired, but sheesh are the two nitwits Aryan and Gina Moron ever in for a surprise.
"Nice move" CBS. Horrible unconditioned house-guests will get viewers every time.
Spencer is disgusting, as well as stupid. In what universe is it okay to joke about child porn? And when you KNOW you're being filmed 24/7? Dumbass. Half the cast this year is bigots. It makes it hard to root for anyone.
It's so funny watching the live feeds because Aaryn is still worrying about "how she might be being portrayed" and whenever they speculate that America might be the MVP Amanda voices the same concern. I get way too much pleasure seeing them worry that people know who they truly are. Yet they still say horrible shit . . .
Oh jeez, its like you can't even joke about highly sensitive tragedies without some PC-cop busting your ass. Thanks Obama!
/Did I do the sarcasm?