Who among us is truly innocent? Who among us hasn't pasted a link into an email's compose field, only to realize that it doesn't refer to the really interesting article we'd intended to send, but to an extremely graphic Pornhub video entitled "SHE LOVES HER ANAL BEADS?" Last week, Lisa McElroy, a professor at Drexel University's law school, made a mistake that any of us could have made—a mistake for which she's now being punished.

On March 31, McElroy sent an email to her pupils at Drexel's Thomas R. Kline School of Law under the header "great article on writing briefs." The text of the email mostly delivered on the innocuous promise of the subject line, except that the link directed to the aforementioned porn clip, not the brief-writing article.

The abject mortification the professor surely felt upon realizing her error should be punishment enough—you'll get through this, McElroy, even if it doesn't seem that way now—but as the blog Above the Law notes, she's now the subject of an investigation from Drexel's administration. According to ATL's tipster, she's been placed on leave while the higher-ups decide whether she violated the school's sexual harassment policy. All for an accidental handful of beads.

The video, for what it's worth, is still available on Pornhub. (Link extremely NSFW, obviously.) "Thanks Harvard teacher," reads the clip's top comment, published today. Wrong esteemed American educational institution, but a touching show of solidarity nonetheless.

[Images via Mayhem Chaos/Flickr and Above the Law, h/t Daily Intel]