Prosecutor: NYPD Cop Used Dead Man’s Credit Card to Buy Diamond Ring

Last July, NYPD Officer Ymmacula Pierre and her partner found Kenneth Sanden dead after being called to his East Village apartment by a concerned relative. So Pierre allegedly did what any respectable cop would do: pocket the dead man’s Mastercard and use it to buy a diamond ring.
The New York Post reports that a $3,282 diamond ring was purchased with Sanden’s card from two days after the 65-year-old architect’s death. His niece received a fraud notification and alerted Zales, who reached out to FedEx to stop shipment.
As it turns out, the package was allegedly on its way to Pierre’s boyfriend’s apartment. The IP address of the computer used to order the ring also originated in the boyfriend’s apartment, according to prosecutors.
Pierre, a three-year veteran, pleaded not guilty on Monday and was released on her own recognizance.