A Danish teenager was sentenced to nine years in prison on Monday for the brutal murder of her mother, who was stabbed at least 20 times while she slept in her bed last October, The Local reports.

According to The Independent, the court was told 16-year-old Lisa Borch had an obsession with ISIS and spent “the whole evening” watching the militant group’s beheading videos before killing her mother. From The Daily Telegraph:

After the murder, Ms Borch rang the police to report the crime.

She told police: “I heard my mother scream and I looked out the window and saw a white man running away. Please come here, there is blood everywhere.” Then she calmly waited, the court heard.

When the police arrived, they discovered her calmly [watching] videos on her iPhone. When they asked where her mother was, she pointed upstairs without even pausing what she was watching.

Borch’s 29-year-old boyfriend, Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, was sentenced to 13 years in prison for his role in the crime. Originally from Iraq, Abdulla reportedly met Borch at a refugee center and the two made plans to flee to Syria together to fight for ISIS.

“She loves to talk about Isil and their brutal behaviour in the Middle East,” said Borch’s stepfather. “I dare not imagine what she can develop into during imprisonment.”

[Image via YouTube/NY Daily News]