Above, we see Elizabeth II, Her Majesty the Ice Queen, examining a portrait of her as a young girl riding a blue horse, which was presented to her today by German Federal President Joachim Gauck. We haven’t seen the queen this disgusted since Kate Middleton wore the wrong shade of nude tights to tea.

The Queen was in Berlin today as part of a three-day trip to Germany, her fifth state visit to the country. As part of the visit—which may have been called because of an upcoming British referendum on whether to remain in the European Union—there was a customary exchanging of gifts, and Gauck gave Elizabeth the horse painting, which was drawn by Nicole Leidenfrost.

“It’s a strange color for a horse,” she reportedly declared upon viewing it, before asking, “And that’s supposed to be my father, is it?” About the orange-clad figure to the left. Indeed, it is supposed to be her father. ITV has video of the uncomfortable exchange here.

If those remarks aren’t enough to convince you of the depths her majesty’s contempt, let’s have a closer look at her face.

Now, compare that to the queen’s visage upon being received by German Prime Minister Angela Merkel at the Chancellery that same day.

Now, perhaps the queen was quite chuffed, really, to shake hands with the Prime Minister, and perhaps it was a show for the cameras. The point is: This is a woman who knows how to telegraph pleasure—genuine or otherwise—when it’s required of her.

Citing an unnamed source, the Daily Mail reported that the Queen would not be speaking any German during her visit, despite having talked to French leaders in French and Irish leaders in the past. Why? “Maybe to avoid stirring up pesky republicans by reminding them how the Royal Family changed their name from the (German) Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the (English) Windsor in 1917”, the Mail’s Ephraim writes.

Yes, the Queen herself is of German lineage, and—according to the Mail’s source, at least—the whole thing may have been a show to preemptively dispel any notion that she’s more loyal to the Germans than the Union Jack. The blue horse lady doth protest too much.

h/t Celebitchy. Images via Getty. Contact the author at andy@gawker.com.