When Amber Rose filed for divorce from Wiz Khalifa, it was immediately chalked up to infidelity—unnamed women for him, and Nick Cannon (why?) for her. The details were vague until this morning, when radio host Peter Rosenberg said on the air that Amber walked in on Wiz having a threesome with twins.

Before revealing the incident that he thinks broke the couple up, Rosenberg says that he and his wife are good friends with Rose. He notes that Rose was recently "talking all night to [Rosenberg's wife] about her problems," which, when you hear him say it, comes off as very namedrop-y, but at least establishes his credibility on the subject.

At 3:39 in the video he gets to the meat of it:

Amber walked in on him with two women, same time, twins, twin sisters, biological sisters.

Rosenberg goes onto say that Rose walked in on Wiz in a home of his, and that contrary to reports, the two had not unofficially ended their marriage before Wiz admitted to cheating on her. Further, Rosenberg implies that Wiz's camp has planted two of those stories—that Rose was sleeping with Nick Cannon, and that they were already broken up when he cheated—in the press.

The video, posted by Rosenberg's employer Hot 97, also shows an Instagram photo—since deleted—of the twins that Rosenberg alleges Wiz was caught hooking up with:

Wiz, for his part, seems to be doing okay.