Chilean radio station Top 40 held a contest earlier this week, offering tickets to the giant EDM festival Mysteryland, and one lucky winner got hers by giving a DJ a rimjob live on air (here I'm employing an extremely loose definition of "lucky").

The station asked what listeners would do for tickets to an EDM festival, and the answer turned out be "actual anything, up to and including licking whipped cream out of a human anus." The human anus in question, DJ Paul Hip, then invited other listeners to make out with the girl who'd just tongued his butt and win tickets of their own.

Top 40 hyped up the contest at first, tweeting out a photo of the on-air rimjob, but soon thought better of it and deleted the tweet.

It was too late, of course. Once a rim has been jobbed, you can't unjob it.

The photo has since ended up on the official Mysteryland website, which automatically pulls in tweets about the festival. And since Top 40 couldn't stop it from spreading—the photo, they couldn't stop the photo from spreading—they eventually decided to apologize for it:

"Dear listeners,

Following an image that was published on social media, that shows one of our listeners taking a challenge to get tickets for a festival, we would like to communicate the following:

- The "40 Principales" team apologizes to all the people that were offended for the image published.

- We want to clarify that the challenge done by our listener was absolutely voluntary and proposed by her, as part of a contest that was open to anyone who wanted to take part of it.

- Also, we are sorry for our mistake on accepting that challenge.

We hope that you understand that this was during a playful context and there wasn't bad intentions, and intention to offend or denigrate our audience.


The Radio Team '40 Principales'."

Mysteryland Chile runs this weekend. Best of luck to the contest winners in recovering from the public humiliation and indignity they've suffered. By which I mean "attending an EDM festival."

[h/t BuzzFeed, Photo: 40 Principales]