Rand Paul Gets Poker Lessons from Rich Instagram Dick Dan Bilzerian
Dan Bilzerian, the swollen and rich king of Instagram, has made a new friend, possibly one of his first without breast implants. Republican Senator and presidential hopeful Rand Paul Snapchatted himself getting “lessons” from Dan B.
“Lessons in what?” you ask, “Throwing petite porn performers from mansion roofs? Discharging firearms? Valuing our nation’s precious public spaces?”
No: economic policy. They were playing liar’s poker, a poker variant using money instead of cards, where players bet (usually in large amounts) on how often certain digits appear in each hand’s serial numbers. Liar’s poker, the namesake of Michael Lewis’s defining account of Wall Street greed and exploitation in the ‘80s. And, of course, they were playing with hundreds.
Paul-Bilzerian 2016! It’s almost scary to think about how much their respective fanbases overlap.
I love that I just got a snapchat from @RandPaul that has @DanBilzerian in it
April 24, 2015
[h/t Salon]