Actor Randy Quaid—Dennis’s eccentric, bearded older brother—was arrested in Montreal Wednesday for the second time this year. At an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing Thursday, Canadian border officers revealed the reason why: They had ordered Quaid to leave Canada next Wednesday, and believed he would not comply.

At the hearing, Quaid was ordered released, but still has to leave Canada next week, the Canadian Press reported.

Quaid and his wife, Evi, have been in Canada since 2010, when they fled there as “refugees” to escape an assassination plot by “the Hollywood Star Whackers” who they say killed actors like David Carradine and Heath Ledger, and could be targeting troubled starlets Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan. The Quaids believed they were being “tracked.”

Evi gained citizenship in 2012—her father was Canadian—and Randy applied for permanent residency. His application was denied due to pending criminal cases in the U.S., for allegedly squatting in a home and defrauding an innkeeper by walking out on a $10,000 hotel bill.

More recently, Quaid and Evi made a sex tape together and put it online.

All of this behavior may seem strange, but look, you’ve got Randy Quaid all wrong.

“I probably will get arrested for all that. I’m perfectly willing to face all that stuff,” Quaid told the AP Wednesday, talking about his U.S. legal problems, “I would like to have the issues in Santa Barbara resolved so I can move on with my life.”

“I don’t know how you go about correcting perceptions. It’s like trying to put the genie out back in the bottle. For 40 years I was well respected,” Quaid said.

That sex tape, and a lot of the crazy-sounding stuff he and Evi have posted online, is just an act, he said, a means of creative self-expression outside of the boring studio films made by “a bunch of crooks.” And Evi, by the way, is “the best director I ever worked with.”

As for the murderous “Hollywood Star-Whackers,” who he and his wife once believed in strongly enough to pitch a reality show about them, people have exaggerated that, too.

“I don’t mean it in a literal sense,” Quaid said.

See? Maybe Randy Quaid isn’t as out-there as you thought.

“I think the people I’m going after would like to see me dead, absolutely, but whether they would act on that, I don’t know,” he added.

Never mind.

[h/t AP Entertainment, Video:]