Ravenous Hogs Fiending For Candy May Force Town to Cancel Halloween

In Brevard County, Fl., a rash of fiendish hogs have been causing so many problems that there is a threat that they may force officials into canceling trick-or-treating because the hogs are threatening to get into the candy supply.
The largest of the hogs is reportedly 350 pounds. The county's wildlife trapper, who is mysteriously named James Dean says they he can hardly keep up with the grass-digging creatures, who have uprooted the lawns of 17 homes.
"Some of the homeowners are telling me they're walking out on the sidewalk, they're pooping, they're crossing the road," Dean said.
Dean baited several traps, using corn, in backyards in the Sawgrass at Suntree neighborhood just north of Melbourne.
Dean claims that he will bring in a pack of dogs to scare the hogs away. But with all those Reese's Cups at stake, how can he be so sure this plan will work?
[Image via AP]