As Deadspin explained earlier this week, dressing up as NFL wife-puncher Ray Rice for Halloween is a bad idea. Worse idea? Dressing up as Ray Rice in blackface. Worst idea? Dressing up as Ray Rice in blackface and proudly posting it on the Internet.

Sunday morning, Keith Olbermann shared this picture of a couple's Ray and Janay Rice blackface costume with his over half a million Twitter followers, taken from their son's since deleted Instagram account.

Unfortunately, the pair were hardly alone in their idiocy. Olbermann's followers began sending the broadcaster additional pictures of awful Ray Rice costumes, these ones incorporating playful props like an afro wig and an actual human child.

A quick search of the Instagram hashtag #rayrice turns up even more terrible examples, proving the Ray Rice wife-beating costume isn't just racist and misogynistic, but also painfully unoriginal.

The above post, you'll notice, is tagged with #domesticviolenceisnotfunny #butmycostumewas. That judgement call, however, should probably go to Janay Rice, the victim in the notorious elevator video.

[h/t Uproxx//Images via Twitter/Instagram]