[There was a video here]

Justin Colby turned himself into Pasco County, Fla. police Monday night after striking his seven months pregnant girlfriend with his car and walking off. Police released security camera footage depicting the hit and run Tuesday.

Crystal Lynn Noordhuizen, Colby's girlfriend, told police that the couple had gotten into an argument Monday. He stormed out of their home, and apparently later called Noordhuizen, 32, to tell her, "Are you ready for your abortion date?"

Later that day, while Noordhuizen was walking on the shoulder of the street outside the couple's home, Colby strikes her with his Dodge Charger before crashing into a pole (keep your eyes trained on the top right in the video). After crashing, Colby walks off and to his house, where he reportedly hopped on a motorcycle and took off.

"All I could hear was, him screaming oh no, oh no, oh no. And I ran outside and he was running out and he's like I know I'm going to jail, I know I'm going to jail," Jessica Austin, who saw Colby walking away from the scene, told WFLA. "And I started screaming at him, you can't run away, you can't run away. "

According to the Tampa Bay Times, this isn't Colby's first hit and run incident:

In April 2012, Colby was charged with running over his brother, Daniel Colby, then 27, when the two fought at 3302 Glenwood Circle ( tbtim.es/db6). The brothers tossed a toaster, a crowbar and a plank of wood at each other.

Justin and his girlfriend sped off, but then came back. Daniel was standing in the driveway, according to the Sheriff's Office. He told deputies he thought Justin would swerve out of the way.

NBC Miami reports Colby, 33, has been charged by police with two counts of attempted murder.

[Video via Pasco County Sheriff's Office]