Red Power Ranger Won't Be Charged with Stabbing His Roommate--For Now

Police are still trying to determine whether the actor who killed his roommate this weekend—apparently during an argument about the actor's girlfriend—should be charged with murder.
Ricardo Medina, Jr. was arrested and booked on murder charges Sunday after he killed his roommate with a sword. But prosecutors reportedly announced Tuesday they planned to release him without charging him, pending a police investigation.
According to reports, Medina—who's claiming self-defense—was arguing with his roommate about Medina's girlfriend when things turned physical.
Charges have not yet been filed against Medina, 36, who argued with Joshua Sutter, 36, after the roommate expressed his annoyance that Medina's girlfriend hung out at their apartment when Medina wasn't home, unnamed police sources told TMZ.
The "Power Rangers Wild Force" star and his girlfriend retreated to his bedroom during the argument, but Sutter forced the door open, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office said. Medina grabbed a sword he kept next to his bedroom door and stabbed Sutter in the abdomen, police said.