There are many ugly and offensive things on Reddit, but even the social news site's users had to draw a line in the sand after one of their own used the confession forum r/OffMyChest to anonymously recount the time he and a friend committed statutory rape.

An 18-year-old redditor who goes by pilot94 thought very little about confessing to the crime when he posted about it last month under the headline "I should be in prison."

The incident itself took place some time within the last year.

He and a friend named Patrick, with whom he had perpetrated various other crimes including vandalism and drug dealing, had received a call from "some girls from school" who told them they were drunk "and wanted to have fun."

"We couldn't say no," Pilot94 writes:

We drove out and picked all 3 of them up. We parked by the neighborhood pool, got in the back of the truck, and started going at it. Everyone had their clothes off, the girls were making out with each other and having sex with Patrick and I.

On the way back to the girls' house, the group was pulled over by police.

"The shit hit the fan," OP recalls. "The girls accused us of raping them, getting them drunk and supplying drugs."

The girls, it turned out, were between 13 and 14 (OP claims he thought they were 15-16), and all three were virgins before that night.

One of the girls ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning and doctors discovered she had vaginal tearing.

"They performed a rape kit on her," says pilot94. "The evidence against us was incredible."

Yet, somehow, it all went away.

According to OP, both the lead detective and the chief of police were fired for reasons unknown, and their case got bumped around until it eventually "just disappeared."

Claiming the experience "scared us beyond straight," both Patrick and the OP went on to be good boys and straight-A students.

"Somehow I straightened my life up and actually graduated with honors from a Top 500 school," Pilot94 says.

Patrick also turned his life around and is fulfilling his dream of becoming a Recon Marine...I received a full ride Army ROTC scholarship to a prestigious military school to study Russian and International Affairs and eventually receive a commission as an officer.

Ironically, it's exactly that "second chance" that could ultimately be the OP's downfall.

Several weeks after the post, having seemingly put it out of his mind, pilot94 posted a scan of the Army ROTC scholarship he was so proud of — complete with identifying details.

Two days later the post was removed for having turned into a "witch hunt," but it was too late for OP.

In a follow-up post entitled "Really, Redditors? You had to do it?" pilot94 revealed that some "White Knight" had called his university and told them everything.

"Now, I’m being looked at by my superiors and almost certainly kicked out," he continued. "Which will ruin my life."

Redditors in the thread felt little sympathy for OP.

"You ruined a couple of girls childhoods," one wrote in response. "You make it sound like you're a good person now and that you have turned over a new leaf but you never once indicated that you felt any remorse for these people you destroyed. I think you far exaggerate to us and yourself how good of a person you are, and how deserving you are of forgiveness."

[H/T: The Daily Dot, screengrabs via Business Insider]