Last week, the Daily Show's Jason Jones brought a panel of die-hard Washington Redskins fans face-to-face with some of the many Native Americans offended that the team won't stop clinging to its racist branding. It went exactly as you would expect.

Before the segment ever aired, the football fans complained to the Washington Post that they felt ambushed and "in danger," and one even tried to go to the police.

Funny, because the Native Americans were the ones in actual danger during a part of the taping that didn't make it to air. Members of the comedy troupe The 1491s, who appeared as three of the Native American representatives on the show, actually went to the Redskins tailgate with Jason Jones, where they were threatened and harassed by fans.

1491s member Migizi Pensoneau wrote in the Missoula Independent that the group headed to FedEx Field the morning after the panel hoping to "showcase our humanity" and "maybe change a mind or two." His hopes were dashed, though, when Redskins fans greeted the group with some of their famous "deep respect for native people."


[A] blonde little wisp of a girl completely freaked me out as I waited in line for the bathroom. "Is that shirt supposed to be funny?" she asked motioning to my satirical "Caucasians" T-shirt. And then she said, "I'll fucking cut you." Actually, she didn't scare me so much as the wannabe linebackers standing behind her who looked like they wanted to make good on her threat.

Fans also blew cigar smoke in his face, facetiously thanked him for "letting us use your name," and yelled at the 1491s to "go the fuck home."

Pensoneau wrote that he was actually afraid for his life at some points during the tailgate, and the footage ended up so intense that it didn't make the cut for the final Daily Show piece.

But sure, Redskins fans want to keep their team name because, as one of the fans on the Daily Show panel said, "it really means 'honor.'"

[Photo: The Daily Show]