Regrettably, Farrah Abraham Wrote an "Erotic Romance" Novel

"Write what you know," they say, and Backdoor Teen Mom and New York Times bestselling author Farrah Abraham apparently takes them very seriously. She's working on an erotic romance trilogy called—wait for it—Celebrity Sex Tape.
The first book, In The Making, will be a fictionalized account of Abraham's experiences starring in a reality show and two of the least sexy sex tapes ever inflicted on worldwide audiences. (The same sex tapes she once claimed "ruined her life," for what it's worth.)
"I was inspired to write a book about someone who went from being 'normal' to a reality star in the public eye. Book One: In the Making allowed me to explore my personal experiences over the last year while also branching out into fiction at the same time," she told Fishwrapper.

Abraham hopefully describes Celebrity Sex Tape as her "first romance series" (in the same way that Vivid Video hopefully described her as "Farrah Superstar") and says she wants to make it a "learning experience" for her readers.
If she's trying for a cautionary tale, she's definitely on the right track.