Report: 70 Bags of Heroin Found in Philip Seymour Hoffman's Apartment

The NYPD reportedly found 70 bags of heroin labeled "Ace of Spades" or "Ace of Heart" in the apartment of Philip Seymour Hoffman, who was discovered dead of a drug overdose yesterday morning. Police have launched a citywide hunt for Hoffman's drug dealer.
"An internal email went out to all supervisors asking if anyone has had any experience with those brand names of drugs," a law enforcement source told The New York Post. "They're going to try to find the source."
Using something called a "nitro dump," police hope to narrow down the dealer's location. From the Post:
"Basically what that is, is any time we make a narcotics arrest we include the brand name on the arrest report and store it in our system so our investigators can see where those brands are being sold," the source explained.
Once they determine a location, they can zero in on the dealer or dealers selling that particular brand.
[Image via AP]