TMZ reports that Amanda Bynes's parents will "file legal docs in the next few days handing over the conservatorship over their daughter to someone else, and then they're moving to Texas." The conservatorship will likely go to a mental health professional.

Bynes has repeatedly expressed on Twitter that she doesn't want to be under her parents control.

Amanda also tweeted this week that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She later tweeted that her friend took her phone, but then deleted that tweet and kept the one about her diagnosis. Who knows.

TMZ notes,

Amanda will now be under the thumb of a mental health professional who specializes in handling people with severe mental illnesses. Her parents will ask the judge to transfer conservatorship powers to that person.

We're also told the parents have made arrangements to transfer power over financial matters to another person ... presumably a money manager.

The parents are leaving California and will move to Texas to be near their older daughter.

Bynes was released from a psychiatric hold at a Los Angeles hospital on Friday.

[Photo via Splash News]