Report: Drunk Secret Service Agents Crashed Car Into White House Barrier

They may not be very good at their jobs, but at least they're not boring? Yet another pair of Secret Service agents had to be pulled off the rotation this week after they allegedly got drunk and crashed their government vehicle into a White House barricade.
According to the Washington Post, the agents—Mark Connolly, a high-ranking member of Obama's detail, and George Ogilvie, a senior supervisor, had been drinking at a "late-night party" last week when they crashed outside the White House.
Officers on duty who witnessed the March 4 incident wanted to arrest the agents and conduct sobriety tests, according to a current and a former government official familiar with the incident. But the officers were ordered by a supervisor on duty that night to let the agents go home, said these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive internal matter.
The Department of Homeland Security is handling the investigation, a Secret Service spokesperson confirmed, telling reporters, "If misconduct is identified, appropriate action will be taken based on established rules and regulations.''
President Obama is reportedly "aware of the allegations" and presumably "thankful to be alive" despite his security detail's best efforts to ensure otherwise.
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