Freddie Gray sustained a fatal injury after his head slammed into the back of a police van, according to several law enforcement sources who spoke with WJLA.

According to the sources—who were reportedly briefed on the official Baltimore police investigation handed over to prosecutors this morning—a wound on Gray’s head matches a bolt from the back of the van. The investigation, the sources claim, also found no evidence that Gray suffered his injury during his arrest, or at any other time prior to entering the van.

If true, the WJLA story would contradict a report leaked last night to the Washington Post which claimed that Gray somehow broke his own back inside the van; the sources who spoke to ABC affiliate said the official probe didn’t determine whether the injuries were self-inflicted or if they were suffered involuntarily.

The report also contradicts a CNN interview with a family member of one of the officers involved—apparently someone from the van—who said the injuries occurred during the arrest, and not during transport.

What’s more: The WJLA report claims that the person driving the police van has yet to give an official statement to authorities, which certainly makes it seems like he or she is lawyering up or, at the very least, hiding something.

[Image via AP]