Jim Webb, who in last week’s debate reminded us that he once killed a man, is dropping out of the race to be the 2016 Democratic nominee for president, according to Fox News. The former Senator from Virginia is expected to make it official at a press conference this afternoon, when he may or may not announce that he’s now running as an independent.

Webb’s decision comes just one week after he boldly predicted a victory in the first Democratic debate by accidentally retweeting a news satire site.

Despite his lackluster showing in that contest, which he attributed to the contest being “rigged,” Webb left us with many beautiful memories, such as the time he gave an insane answer to Anderson Cooper about which enemy he was most proud to have made.

I’d have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he’s not around right now to talk to…

[There was a video here]

Jim, we’ll miss you.