There have been several mysteries in the recent life of Georgia Tech aerospace engineering student James Hubert. The first was: Where is James Hubert? The second was: What happened to James Hubert?

After having gone missing for two days earlier this month, the first question was answered when Hubert was found in a ditch next to some train tracks six or so miles from where he was last seen at a sorority party. His family and friends had tracked him down by locating the iPhone of his date, who had left it in his pocket. He was bloodied and face down in the dirt.

So, what happened to James Hubert? Well, James Hubert wasn’t quite sure. After he was found, a friend told the press that Hubert had given a few different explanations of what happened. From WXIA:

“We’ve gotten out of him, ‘I was jumped by a homeless person,’ “ Jeffery said. “Then we got, he ‘was beat up by a group of people,’ then he said he was ‘hit by a train.’ But we think he heard the trains going by, just lying there helpless. “I can’t decide if I think he walked the train tracks or he was placed there,” she said.

Hubert’s mother, as a mother would, seemed certain that her son had been assaulted:

“He got mugged. He left the party and we think he said somebody mugged him. They ripped all his clothes and his wallet and watch and phone out left him for dead,” said Diane Hubert at the time her son was found.

Turns out, James Hubert nearly died in a much cooler way than being mugged. Cooler? Stupider? Is pretending you’re James Bond cool? Via CBS46 in Atlanta:

A source told CBS46 Hubert, whose nickname is reportedly 007, jumped off a bridge — like James Bond in the opening scene of Skyfall— onto a moving train, believed to be a CSX train.

CBS46 reports that Atlanta police informed Hubert’s family of their theory on Monday night, and posts stating that Hubert was attacked have been removed from his mother’s Facebook page.

This is one of many, many reasons why you should not adopt the nickname “007” as a college-age male.

[image via CBS46]

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