Report: Officials to Face Criminal Charges Over Flint Water Crisis

On Wednesday, prosecutors will announce the first criminal charges related to the contaminated drinking water and subsequent outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease that killed 12 people in Flint, Michigan, the Detroit Free Press reports.
According to the paper, sources close to the investigation say multiple people connected with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the City of Flint are expected to be indicted for both misdemeanor and felony crimes.
Citing their own unnamed sources, The Detroit News reports these charges include “malfeasance and/or misconduct in office” and are just “the first of more to come.”
For his part, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder—whose aides appear to have known Flint’s water was contaminated as early as October 2014—promised to drink filtered water from Flint for “at least” 30 days on Tuesday.