It appears that Rob Ford's time in rehab wasn't as rosy as his recent mea culpa-cum-campaign speech would have you think. Patients and staff at GreeneStone told the Toronto Star the mayor was "disruptive" during his time there, and management was worried he may have been continuing to use drugs or alcohol.

Ford's well-documented violent, aggressive behavior was also on display:

"Ford broke things, got into fights with other residents," said one source with knowledge of the mayor's time in rehab at the resort-turned-drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Muskoka.

"Ford stopped people from sharing their stories, which is key to a successful rehab experience," said another source. "Other residents felt intimidated. They felt he was a bully. He was always saying he did not belong there."


In the hallways and common areas, Ford argued, pushed and shoved other patients who were angry that Ford had "brought his circus with him," sources said.

According to the Star's sources, the mayor was the model of a bad rehab patient, and was booted from his group therapy session for repeatedly shouting down other patients. The police were called to GreenStone once during Ford's stay, though it isn't clear whether the mayor was involved in the incident.

When Ford re-entered office last week, he claimed the decision to enter GreeneStone would "change [his] life forever." One staffer summed up his life-changing stay thusly: "We are not paid enough to deal with this guy."