Wendi Deng was married to Rupert Murdoch for 14 years before they divorced in 2013 amidst rumors that Deng had been cheating on the founder of News Corp. with Tony Blair, the ex-prime minister of the United Kingdom. (Both parties deny this.) With one, maybe two of the world’s most prominent morally questionable, gross men down, you may ask, who else is there left to romance? Who could be ickier or more morally repugnant than Rupert Muroch? According to Us Weekly, the paper of record for international intrigue, she has found someone who fits the bill: Vladimir Putin.

Per Us:

How’s this for a new couple alert? The rumor circulating around the corridors of power — from Washington, D.C., to Europe and Asia — is that Vladimir Putin and Wendi Deng, Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife, are dating.

Reports of the pair have been floating around for years, ever since their respective divorces in 2014 and 2013.

One insider close to the powerful leader tells Us Weekly the relationship is “serious.”

The source of the rumors cited by Us is unclear, but at the very least writers have been fantasizing about this pairing since Deng’s divorce from Murdoch. Journalist Virginia Heffernan apparently made a Pinterest page imagining a relationship between Deng and Putin, and author Gary Shteyngart tweeted this on the day the divorce was reported:

As recently as six days ago, a website called Orb Magazine reported that Deng and Putin were an item, citing “one of the most prominent and worldly citizens of NY and London.” (Lindsay Lohan????)

I wonder what they talk about.