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Politico is reporting, based on multiple unnamed sources, that the attorney general of Florida’s Palm Beach County will not file battery charges against Donald Trump’s combative campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, after a Breitbart reporter named Michelle Fields filed a police report against him last month:

The decision not to press charges against Corey Lewandowski is scheduled to be announced on Thursday afternoon by Palm Beach County State Attorney David Aronberg. [...]

Many lawyers said they just didn’t think jurors would think of this case as a battery, even though it met the technical threshold for the crime under Florida law, which essentially defines battery as unwanted touching.

Lewandowski’s run-in with Fields, during which he clearly manhandled her in an attempt to move her away from his boss, led to an internal meltdown at Breitbart News, culminating in an anti-Semitic blog post targeting its own editor-at-large Ben Shapiro, who resigned shortly after Breitbart’s management effectively side with Lewandowski—and, by extension, Trump’s campaign—over their own reporter.

Lewandowski, who turned himself in to the Jupiter, Florida police department in March, continues to serve as Trump’s campaign manager, although in a reportedly diminished capacity. According to Politico (and The Blaze), Fields may still pursue defamation charges against him, based upon his public statements in which he denied touching her and cast doubt on her credibility.