During a recent press conference to promote his sci-fi thriller-drama Gravity, director Alfonso Cuarón was finally asked the one question reporters have bizarrely neglected to put forward: What was it like filming a movie in space?

"What were the technical and human difficulties of filming in space," asked a reporter representing Mexico's TV Azteca. "Was it very difficult, very complicated to film in space? Did the camera operators get sick?"

"Well, yes, we took some cameras there aboard the Soyuz. We were in space for three-and-a-half months," Cuarón responded to laughter from attendees. "I got really sick during training."

It has since been revealed that the credulous journalist behind the now-infamous inquiry is Carlos "El Capi" Pérez, a field reporter for the comedic talk show Deberían Estar Trabajando ("You Should Be Working").

Taking to Twitter to respond to comments about his question, El Capi called out his detractors: "Excuse me Twitter for being a professional committed to information. Don't tell me I was the only one who had that doubt."

In fact, Pérez's bravery in the face of certain ridicule has emboldened others to ask long held-in questions of other famous directors.

"Mr. Roman Polanski," asked one YouTuber, "what did you do to get the devil to star in your film? Did you give him something in exchange or was it just the sex with Mia Farrow?"

"Mr. Peter Jackson," asked another," what were the technical and human difficulties of filming in Mordor? How did the intense heat affect the cast?"

And so on.

[thanks josue!]