Reporter Fired for Posting Candid ‘Confessions’ On Her Personal Blog

Investigative reporter Shea Allen of the Huntsville, Alabama-based ABC affiliate WAAY-TV got a bit too free with her speech for her employer's comfort late last week when she posted a series of candid "confessions" to her private blog.
Titled “Confessions of a Red Headed Reporter,” the post consists of ten too-hot-for-TV revelations about Allen's behind-the-scenes insecurities and improprieties:

1. I've gone bra-less during a live broadcast and no one was the wiser.
2. My best sources are the ones who secretly have a crush on me.
3. I am better live when I have no script and no idea what I'm talking about.
4. I've mastered the ability to contort my body into a position that makes me appear much skinner in front of the camera than I actually am.
5. I hate the right side of my face.
6. I'm frightened of old people and I refuse to do stories involving them or the places they reside.
7. Happy, fluffy, rainbow stories about good things make me depressed.
8. I've taken naps in the news car.
9. If you ramble and I deem you unnecessary for my story, I'll stop recording but let you think otherwise.
10. I've stolen mail and then put it back. (maybe)
Shortly after publishing the post, Allen was pressured by her employer to remove it, and she did.
For a time: Within hours the post was back up with a prefix — "No Apologies" — and a disclaimer.
This post was taken down because I was momentarily misguided about who I am and what I stand for. To clarify, I make no apologies for the following re-post. It’s funny, satirical and will likely offend some of the more conservative folks. But it isn’t fake and its a genuine look into my slightly twisted psyche.
Here’s the thing, I’ve vowed to always fight for the right of free expression. It’s allowed, no matter what the profession. I pride myself in having earned the respect of many because I make no apologies for the truth and hold nothing back. I don’t fight for things because they serve me, I fight for them because they are right. Sources trust me because I am an unadulterated version of the truth. I won’t ever bend just because its popular to do so and I’m not bending now.
Allen revealed this morning that was "terminated without cause" for the post. "If I'm going to take a stand on transparency, I gotta tell the whole story," Allen tweeted.
We've reached out to WAAY and are awaiting their response.