There are some things you should know about Richard Matt, right, one of the two convicted murders who crawled out of a maximum security prison in New York this weekend. He has killed multiple people in two different countries. He has escaped from prison once before. He is, according to one cop, “the most vicious, evil person I’ve ever come across in 38 years as a police officer.” He also has a gigantic cock.

How do we know this? Because a retired detective named David Bentley, who investigated the 1997 murder that landed Matt in the jail he just escaped from, told the New York Post about it.

Another source, retired Detective David Bentley, who helped put away Matt for the 1997 murder of a North Tonawanda businessman, added, “When [Matt’s] cleaned up, he’s very handsome and, in all frankness, very well endowed. He gets girlfriends any place he goes.”

“Power tools,” eh? Eh?

[image via AP]