A Michigan man has reportedly gone to Internet-ready lengths in order to troll his ex-wife with a daily reminder of his feelings towards her.

According to a person claiming to be the ex-wife's daughter, the crazy-wealthy Bloomfield Hills man, identified only as "Alan," allegedly purchased the house next door to his ex, and proceeded to move in with his daughter Tiffany.

He then went a step further and purchased an expensive bronze statue of a middle finger, which he placed on the back porch and aimed at his ex-wife's house.

As if that weren't quite enough passive aggression, Alan ensured the statue was visible 24/7 by shining a spotlight on it after dark.

"Alan and Tiffany are the best neighbors," tweeted Lenka Tuohy, "but ew who does that lololol."

Apparently the statue has had the unintended effect of pissing Tuohy off as well.

"[I]ts hard for me to enjoy my baths now because my fav tub is in my moms bathroom which faces out towards tif and alans house," she wrote, adding a frowny-face emoticon.

When a friend pointed out that Alan's gesture was making him "look like an idiot," Tuohy concurred: "Like lol someone's not over my momma!"

Update 6:45 p.m.: Detroit sports writer Jeff Moss has identified the owner of the house above as Alan Markovitz, a local legend who owns three Detroit strip clubs and authored a book entitled Topless Prophet: The True Story of America's Most Successful Gentleman's Club Entrepreneur (which is in the process of being turned into a TV series for Cinemax).

A previous version of this article referred to the person identified as Tiffany as Markovitz's "girlfriend," but according to Deadline Detroit, she is his daughter from a previous relationship.

Here is the relevant paragraph:

Markovitz has a 17-year-old daughter from a previous relationship who lives with him. He was married for two years to a woman he met at a friend's birthday party at an Auburn Hills restaurant. But they recently divorced. He said his wife, a native of Slovakia, was cheating on him with someone he knew. She moved in with the guy two days after moving out of the house.

"He broke the Man Code. He’s a total freakin’ asshole,” Markovitz says. “Real men don’t do that to another guy."

[H/T: Reddit, photos via @LenkaTuohy]