Despite many gracious pleas for the cessation of this practice, it appears that wealthy people (in Canada) are making bold and whiny public declarations of their puzzling inability to "afford" the lifestyle they purport to deserve.

Today's almost-impossible-to-believe journey into financial fantasyland comes courtesy of the Globe and Mail's "Financial Facelift" column, which offers advice to people struggling with their finances. Today's beleaguered couple: Eric and Ilsa, a doctor and a dentist, respectively, with five kids and a combined income of $450,000 per year. Their struggle: although they are "living rent-free in a relative's house" currently, they need to move out soon—"Last fall, they bought a building lot for $1.1-million and are planning to build a house large enough for their family and a live-in nanny."

But this is all very expensive!

"Two professionals should be able to afford a modest house, but we can't get the numbers to work and would appreciate some help," Eric writes. He earns $200,000 a year working one day a week in a medical clinic. But his real love is teaching, which he does one day a week at a university; this earns him $100,000 a year.

Two professionals should be able to afford a [HOUSE LARGE ENOUGH FOR SEVEN PEOPLE AND A LIVE-IN NANNY] [WITHOUT TAKING ON ANY DEBT] [WHILE WORKING A TOTAL OF TWO DAYS PER WEEK]! This is a message we can all get behind.

The actual expert advice offered: Eric should work three days a week.

On this Martin Luther King Jr. day, please take a moment to remember Eric and Ilsa and others who are unable to fend for themselves.

[Photo: Flickr]