Oh, Lord. Dispelling all dreams of the GOP dad-man's accomplished irrelevance, Rick Santorum's EchoLight Studios will premiere The Redemption of Henry Myers this Sunday on the Hallmark Movie Channel.

EchoLight "produces and distributes high-quality movies for families of faith." The company, based in Dallas, recruited Santorum as its new CEO in June 2013 to bolster visibility of the studio's projects. Earlier film and TV credits include made-for-scratched-and-abandoned-DVD titles such as The Stranger, The Perfect Stranger, Another Perfect Stranger, A Wobots [???] Christmas, and Foolishness.

Like Kanye West's Yeezus and Lars von Trier's recent Nymphomaniac, EchoLight's Redemption of Henry Myers dramatizes love's obliteration by the onslaught of sin, cured only by the kindness of clueless strangers. Santorum is credited as the executive producer of Henry Myers, which is not rated.

"There's message for everybody out there as to how we forgive? And do we forgive? And the process by which you have to go through to do that," the former Republican presidential candidate and Pennsylvania senator said in an interview.

Here, see if you can forgive this trailer.