Rick Santorum, a relic of a previous political era who doesn’t have the charisma to land a gig as a cable news talking head, was running one of the most pointless political campaigns of this election cycle. Tonight, per CNN, he will announce its demise.

Santorum closing up shop immediately after the Iowa caucus is hardly a surprise. He narrowly won there in 2012 before being steamrolled by Mitt Romney, and if his 2016 campaign was going to be relevant in any way it would have started with a surprising showing in Iowa. Instead, Santorum picked up 1 percent of the vote, finishing ahead of only Jim Gilmore, who received 12 total votes. He is the third GOP candidate to drop out of the race since Iowa, joining Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee.

What is Santorum’s legacy? You could say so many things! For me, I choose to remember him with this iconic photo, taken during the concession speech he gave upon losing his senate seat in 2006.

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com / images via Getty