Rob Ford Calls Himself Best Mayor, Pledges to Stop Getting "Hammered"

During his Sunday afternoon radio show that he shares with his brother, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford promised to stop getting "hammered" in public, and offered a general apology for his behavior, but made no specific mention of his drug use or any of the actions allegedly captured on the video that is now in the hands of the Toronto Police Department.
The show, which began with a brief, oblique apology by the older Ford, before touching on subjects like sports, the weather, and cutting government spending, eventually returned to the topic of Rob Ford's behavior, where Ford specifically apologized for getting "hammered" in public. Then the show got a little more interesting.
The Ford brothers opened up the telephone lines, going out of their way to mention that the callers hadn't been screened. An 81-year-old woman, a supporter of Ford, called in and asked Doug Ford to stop enabling Rob's drinking, referring to Doug's earlier suggestion that Rob keep his drinking "in the basement." Doug denied being Rob's enabler. "Please listen to me," the woman pleaded, suggesting Ford take a medical leave of absence.
Another caller asked what exactly Rob Ford was apologizing for — "I'm apologizing for some mistakes I've made in the past" — including being drunk at City Hall. But he never mentioned drugs. Ford then boasted to another caller that "I would put my life on it that I'm the best mayor the city has ever had."
When a caller finally asked directly about his drug use, Ford said "Again, I cannot comment on a video I have not seen." Ford then finished the show with another vague apology, saying the whole situation "is what it is and I can't change it."