Following reports last week that he starred in a second crack cocaine video, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is, according to Rob Ford, now in rehab. And he's having a blast. "Rehab is amazing," he told the Toronto Sun. "It reminds me of football camp. Kind of like the Washington Redskins camp I went to as a kid."

Hopefully, Toronto wants an enthusiastic, fun-loving guy like that to continue running their city, because Ford said he won't resign or drop out of this October's election.

"Of course, I am coming back and I am going to kick butt," he said. "I will be on the ballot for mayor in October, guaranteed, and I will do well. On Oct. 28, there will be no need to change the locks. There will be no need to clean out my office because I am coming back."

He claims treatment hasn't stopped him from working. "I asked for my calls sheets and I am making calls to constituents," he said. "I am getting help but I still want to help."

He also detailed his average day in the rehab center, which he didn't name.

From the Toronto Sun:

He said there are meetings with "eight people in a group," then sometimes four, "then there is a meal before we have some one-on-one sessions."

Ford added: "I am working out every day and I am learning about myself, my past and things like that."

One of the areas covered so far is his own anger at his political opponents — something he acknowledged he needs to work on.

And he said he's not the only famous or powerful person in rehab.

"They know but there are two doctors here, a captain of industry and a professional athlete," he said. "There are terrific people in my group. We are all supporting each other. We are connecting in a weird way."