Rob Ford Releases Statement From Hospital: "Toronto Needs Doug Ford"

Rob Ford released an audio statement from the hospital today where he is prepared to undergo chemotherapy for a "rare" malignant tumor in his abdomen. He doesn't sound great. Ford urges the people of Toronto, however, to vote for his brother Doug for mayor.
In a few hours I will begin my chemotherapy. Then I will spend the next little while, with my family, focused on getting better. But, I would like to speak directly to the people in our city before I do that. ...
For the past 14 years, as Councillor and as Mayor, I have worked hard to bring about change at City Hall and make life a little bit easier for the average hard working people of Toronto. I was not alone in this, my brother Doug was by my side, sharing my vision, fighting for the great people of Toronto. I never could have accomplished what we did without him.
Doug loves our city as much as I do. He's prepared to tackle the issues head on.
Last week I asked my brother to carry the torch and continue the work we started ... Toronto needs Doug Ford.
He concludes his statement by urging the people of Toronto to "just never ever give up." Ford pulled out of the mayor's race last week.
[Photo via AP]